dc.contributorChristianne Luce Gomes
dc.contributorHelder Ferreira Isayama
dc.contributorVania de Fatima Noronha Alves
dc.creatorSuzana Santos Campos
dc.description.abstractAssuming that knowledge is a representation of the real, for instance, it refers to knowings, discourses, contents selected and organized to convey a certain reality, this research aimed to identify and analyze knowledge about leisure, privileged in the curriculum of a Leisure Technician course in distance mode. Being of qualitative nature, the methodology was based on the association of literature with the bibliographic research and it consists of a case study.The literature subsidized the whole investigative process and sought fundaments in books, articles and other works which deal with the following thematic: leisure, curriculum and training.For the document analysis, some important material for research have been selected: the National Catalogue of Technician Courses, the Reference Curriculum for Technician Courses of e-Tec system and Course Plans of the institution searched. Furthermore, an analysis of Didactic Books of ten subjects which integrate the Matrix Curriculum Matrix of the course studied. Considering the purpose of the research, this dissertation was structured in three chapters: The first one carried a theoretical discussion of curriculum, training and professional experience in leisure, in addition to basing some important concepts about leisure to contextualize the study.The second chapter focused on vocational education and distance education in Brazil in order to substantiate and situate the documentary analysis. The third and final chapter was dedicated to an analysis of ten textbooks used by the institution in the training of leisure technicians. It was found that knowledge about leisure privileged in the curriculum of the course is related to several aspects, among which can be highlighted: the understanding of leisure as an occupation to be held in free time, as a counterpoint of work and other obligations like family ones, like a playful and pleasurable activity enjoyed to relieve everyday stress and treated, many times, as a synonym for recreation, thus translated as fun and entertainment. Most of these fundamentals are identified in Dumazediers theory of leisure, which allows to interpret its strong influence, even today, in the research field. It has also been identified that the graduated technician needs in the course needs to act as a sociocultural animator, and is also called recreator and/or recreationist in different didactic books.There was a discussion as to whether the leisure may be a promising business, in view of the importance given to events as an increasing and profitable opportunity. At the same time, besides this economic approach, there was a concern to discuss the social side of leisure, which in some textbooks was treated as a necessity and/or as a right, showing some of the ambiguities and contradictions that permeate discussions about leisure in contemporary society and highlighting the importance of instigating new insights and reflections on the subject.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEducação a distância
dc.subjectCurso técnico
dc.subjectPerfil profissional
dc.titleSaberes privilegiados no currículo de um curso técnico em Lazer na modalidade a distância
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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