Monografias de Especialização
Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação financeira pessoal para web
Dagson Patrick Vieira de Souza
With the evolution of the Internet and information technologies, the need to develop web software with more quality and safety. To keep up with this technological phenomenon, the JAVA universe offers different types of technological resources, each with its well-defined scope. This paper aims to present and apply technological resources already exist for software development on the Java platform for web. In order to apply these techniques, a personal financial investment to be developed as reference was chosen. The developed application uses are various techniques for web software development in Java EE platform. The Java Server Faces technology and Prime Faces component framework together provide for different user interface components. These technologies optimize the software development phase focused on the web. Tools like Hibernate / JPA provide numerous features, so it is possible to create an application more quickly. Among its features, what stands out is the ability to perform object-relational mapping for Java programming language. The Java Persistence API (JPA) is also a standard Java API that specifies a common interface for data persistence frameworks. Therefore, the JPA helps to standardize the application of interaction with the database. As this work subject of study was developed a personal financial application using these development techniques. Among different technologies used in this application, the main ones were the JSF and Hibernate. Together these techniques offer the agile developer, maintainability, portability, reusability and specially regarding the evolution of the software. Combining these two technologies was possible to create a more user-friendly web interface, automate operations in the database, handling security issues, apply the internationalization of web pages and generate reports.