dc.contributorPaula Goncalves Bicalho
dc.contributorSalete Maria de Fatima Silqueira de Rese
dc.creatorLilian Dias Ennes
dc.description.abstractThis present study of an intervention project proposed to the Technical School Training in Health Nurse Izabel dos Santos (ETIS) / Foundation Support Technical School (FAETEC)- RJ. The ETIS was established by Decree No. 13802, on 01 November 1989 and transferred to FAETEC, through Decree No. 42966 of 12 May 2011. The pedagogical proposal of ETIS is guided by the principles of Emancipatory Education Paulo Freire, who is not adopted by FAETEC. Therefore, this project aims to know the composition of human resources faculty who work in the professional education of ETIS, in relation to its capacity to develop a critical theory of education problematizing of Paulo Freire. And, from this diagnosis, a new way of organizing work pedagogical training of teachers through Distance Learning (ODL). Its relevance is the need to meet a demand of qualified professionals who will be hired to continue the pedagogical actions of ETIS. This is an intervention project. The study found that the Pedagogical Workshops Conceptions currently developed by ETIS essentially face no account shall meet the significant demand for teachers to be trained. Then, recommended use of EAD seeking to fill the urgent need for improvement of health professionals who will work in ETIS / RJ.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEducação à distância
dc.subjectCapacitação pedagógica
dc.subjectEducação problematizadora
dc.titleOs docentes da Escola Técnica de Formação em Saúde Izabel dos Santos e a capacitação na educação problematizadora: uma proposta de intervenção
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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