dc.contributorUlloa Ramos, Cristian Samir
dc.creatorCastro-Silva, Andrea
dc.creatorRamirez-Garcia, Maria Alejandra
dc.description.abstractThis paper intends to analyze the internationalization opportunities of the cosmetics industry in the country, whether due to the investments that come to it, Colombian companies that are in process and the derivation of lessons learned from cases of Success for companies looking to venture abroad. It is evident that despite the great reception that Colombian cosmetic products have in other countries, there are few national companies that manage to penetrate the international market. Colombia, within this industry has remained in the preference of international investors thanks to the variety of components that the country can contribute to its products and the consumption figures sent within the national territory, currently the country has important international brands that contribute to the Colombian economy in different aspects and obligation to the constant re- invention of national brands. At present, internationalization appears as a necessity for companies that want to position and maintain themselves through the years within the market. Colombian cosmetic products have presented quite positive figures in recent years, ensuring a greater boom in the coming periods, which is why this research arises with the aim of analyzing the success story of the Belcorp corporation, regarding the internationalization model used serving as support for all those Colombian companies that wish to open their market abroad.
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional
dc.sourceinstname:Universitaria Agustiniana
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional UniARI
dc.subjectIndustria cosmética
dc.titleAnálisis de la internacionalización del subsector de los cosméticos a partir de la dinámica comercial en Colombia y el caso de éxito de la empresa Belcorp

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