Reorganización de la salud en el distrito de Turbo, Antioquia como sistema de red : diseño del modelo integral de atención en salud con enfoque diferencial
2020Registro en:
352.2 A165
Abuchar González, Alejandro
The municipality of Turbo on january 24 of 2018 receives the category of port, logistics, industrial, tourist and comercial district by the national government through law 1883, from this category change on the tarritory it will have to asume and execute the competitions for each sector. Fort he health sector, the responsibility of receiving the competencies wil be the district health secretariar, so it is necessary to design a comprehensive model of health care, which facilitates the provision of health service to the community in an efficient way, orders and with quality, in order to comply with the proposed model, it must have the support of the Ministry of Health and the State Social Enterprise ESE Hospital Frabcisco Valderrama, a decentralizaed public entity in the Turbo district. The Integral model of health care with a differential focus is intended to modernize the provision of health services in the entire área of the Urabá territory and especially to serve the most vulnerable population of the Turbo territory, this would be achieved with a good characterization that is make population for each zone, the territory of the district of Turbo is divided into five zones as follows: North zone, panamerican zone, banana axis zone, central zone and coastal zone. The application of the new comprehensive health care model with a differential focus wil not only improve the quality services, but wil also generate greater participation en family health decisions and actions in the Turbo terrtory.