Monitoramento e modelagem hidrológica de plano de infiltração construído em escala real
2014-06-10Registration in:
TECEDOR, Natália. Monitoramento e modelagem hidrológica de plano de infiltração construído em escala real. 2014. 94 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2014.
Tecedor, Natália
The intense urbanization generated from twentieth century and the emergence of large urban centers brought about a considerable change in the use and occupation of land ; this became very waterproof resulting in increased runoff . Problems resulting from the growth of this flow we mention floods , climate change , interference in the hydrological cycle and water balance . This problem , with the passage of time has been improving sustainable urban drainage analyzing the control flow that has to be done at source infiltration , percolation and storage . The importance of this work is to know the compensatory techniques so that they can be applied in the UFSCAR campus - São Carlos - SP . This study aimed to design, build , monitor and model a plan of infiltration, built in real scale, for stormwater management of the building with an area of 3001.3 m². The funds came from Project MCT / FINEP / Action Cross Environmental and Housing 07 /2009 Drainage - MAPLU2 - . Stormwater Management Urban 2 The soil characterization was performed considering their fitness levels , grain size, permeability, degree of compaction and profile this soil. The lifting of water infiltration into the soil testing was conducted with double ring . There was an technical compensatory plan infiltration met the six physical aspects , three urban and infrastructure aspects , environmental aspects and two health and two socioeconomic aspects . The method adopted for the design was the envelope -curve , using a return period of 10 years. Through electronic equipment and measurements of precipitation 32 actual rainfall events were monitored . In this period there were no leakage of the infiltration plan representing these events , an efficiency of 100 % in reducing runoff volume. The modeling technique was using the method of PULS . This model however was considered difficult to apply this technique , that due to uncertainties regarding the areas of infiltration by high initial infiltration capacity of the soil and the fact that the water has preferred areas in infiltration plan.