Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O uso do software GeoGebra no estudo das funções polinomiais
Prediger, Daniela
The present work, that has for theme on the use of GeoGebra Software in the study of polynomial functions, initially constitutes a bibliographical survey on the use of technology in education, the Software GeoGebra and the use of referred software in study of functions. After presenting two proposals for didactic sequences, one for the affine function and the other for the quadratic function, involving the interpretation of the coefficients in the GeoGebra Software. The objective is to use a technological resource, the GeoGebra Software, in the study of the coefficients of the affine and quadratic functions, providing a better analysis of the relationship between the coefficients and the graph, for later the student to apply these knowledge in the construction of graphics. The aforementioned didactic sequences were applied in the 2º semester of 2018 in a class of 1º year of high school at night of a school located in northwest region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. In the GeoGebra Software, the students developed a list of activities and performed the interpretations in the constructed graphs and later noted their perceptions. For data analysis the students responses to the activities were used, as well as their opinions about the use of software. Herewith we conclude that at first moment the results achieved aren’t so significant, but in longer period, better results will can be obtained, considering that there is more consistent memorization of the concepts worked. The students interest rises with the use of technology, resulting in a greater participation in the activities developed in the classroom.