dc.creatorSuppo J.-S.
dc.creatorDe Sant'Ana D.P.
dc.creatorDias L.C.
dc.creatorDe Figueiredo R.M.
dc.creatorCampagne J.-M.
dc.identifierSynthesis (germany). Georg Thieme Verlag, v. 46, n. 22, p. 3075 - 3084, 2014.
dc.descriptionAn efficient and practical procedure for the free α-carboxylic acid esterification of amino acid residues with β-(trimethylsilyl)ethoxymethyl chloride and triisopropylsilyl chloride is described. The reaction takes place under mild conditions and the expected protected amino acids are obtained in good to excellent yields. Our method provides a useful alternative for the C-terminal carboxylic acid protection of amino acids and peptides. Moreover, the removal of such protection was also achieved under mild conditions, without affecting either the other protecting groups at the α-amino moiety and side chains or the optical integrity at the α-position of the amino acid residues. Examples of their use in peptide synthesis are also illustrated.
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dc.publisherGeorg Thieme Verlag
dc.relationSynthesis (Germany)
dc.titleEfficient And Practical Procedure For The Esterification Of The Free α-carboxylic Acid Of Amino Acid Residues With β-(trimethylsilyl)ethoxymethyl Chloride And Triisopropylsilyl Chloride
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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