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Evaluation Of Factors Related To The Tinnitus Disturbance
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International Tinnitus Journal. , v. 17, n. 1, p. 21 - 25, 2012.
Valente J.P.P.
Pinheiro L.A.M.
MacHado De Carvalho G.
Guimaraes A.C.
Mezzalira R.
Stoler G.
Paschoal J.R.
Introduction: The perception of tinnitus varies among individuals. The limitations caused by tinnitus are related to psychological factors, mood changes and psychiatric conditions, while other factors related to discomfort caused by tinnitus are being studied. Hearing loss is an important factor for the onset of tinnitus. Objectives: To evaluate the correlation between the degree of discomfort caused by tinnitus and the hearing loss level. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of the patients treated at the Otolaryngology Service of the State University from Campinas for 15 months, using the Visual-Analogue Scale to classify the degree of discomfort by tinnitus. Results: 107 patients were studied and there was no correlation between the degree of annoyance of tinnitus with hearing loss, age, gender, presence of dizziness, of neck pain, headache, changes of the temporomandibular joint, the use of caffeine or excessive intake of carbohydrates. 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