Now showing items 271-272 of 272
Prevalencia de dientes incluidos, retenidos e impactados, en radiografías panorámicas de la Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga de 2015 a 2017.
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado OdontologíaFacultad de Odontología, 2019-06-29)
Introduction: Inclusion, retention and impaction are oral alterations in which the teeth are not able to complete their eruptive process in a normal way. These alterations can result in a dentoalveolar discrepancy that can ...
Diseño de un modelo in vitro de células epiteliales primarias gingivales humanas para evaluar infectividad de Helicobacter pylori (ATCC 43504)
Background: Evidence on oral pathologies associated with Helicobacter pylori is controversial, especially because there is no certainty about the infecting capacity of the bacteria in oral tissue. Therefore, it is important ...