Now showing items 51-60 of 334
Unsupervised Processing of Geophysical Signals A review of some key aspects of blind deconvolution and blind source separation
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncPiscatawayEUA, 2012)
Quantification of Collagen Fiber Orientation and Organization by Singular Value Decomposition
(Sociedad Argentina de Bioingeniería, 2018-09)
Second-harmonic generation microscopy is a new imaging tool that allows analyzing non-centrosymmetric structures, such as collagen. This method can be used to detect structural organization of human ovarian extracellular ...
Modelo de evaluación de la calidad para instituciones financieras obtenidas por medio de un análisis de correspondencia y de clúster
Este artículo presenta un estudio del análisis de correspondencia y de clúster para obtener
un modelo de evaluación de la calidad del servicio destinado para ser incorporadas a
las instituciones financieras de la ciudad ...
A necessary condition ensuring the strong hyperbolicity of first-order systems
(World Scientific, 2018-11)
We study strong hyperbolicity of first order partial differential equationsfor systems with differential constraints. In these cases, the number ofequations is larger than the unknown fields, therefore, the standard ...
A secure transmission of medical images by single label SWT and SVD based non-blind watermarking technique
(Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), 2015)
New multiple imputation methods for genotype-by-environment data that combine singular value decomposition and Jackknife resampling or weighting schemesNuevos métodos de imputación múltiple para datos de genotipo por entorno que combinan la descomposición de valores singulares y el remuestreo Jackknife o esquemas de ponderación
(Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020)
Missing data is a common phenomenon in agronomy and many other fields of research. Data imputation, in which the missing elements of a data matrix are replaced by plausible values, is one possible way to tackle this problem. ...
Nakagami-m approximations for multiple-input multiple-output singular value decomposition transmissionsIET COMMUNICATIONSIET COMMUN