Now showing items 31-40 of 734
Development of neutron scattering kernels for cold neutron reflector materials
(IOS Press, 2021-09)
The newest neutron scattering applications are highly intensity-limited techniques that demand reducing the neutron losses between source and detectors. In addition, the nuclear industry demands more accurate data and ...
A diffractometer project for Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB)
(Associa????o Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2020)
Characterization of a portable thermal neutron detector
(Associa????o Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019)
Neutron flux distribution in an Am-Be neutron irradiator
(Rio de Janeiro: ABEN, 2002, 2014)
Calculation of kinetic parameters βeff and Λ with modified open source Monte Carlo code OpenMC(TD)
(Korean Nuclear Society, 2022-03)
This work presents the methodology used to expand the capabilities of the Monte Carlo code OpenMC for the calculation of reactor kinetic parameters: effective delayed neutron fraction βeff and neutron generation time Λ. ...