Now showing items 41-50 of 585
How did Costa Rica achieve social and market incorporation?
In 1980, just before the debt crisis and in contrast with the experience of the rest of Latin America, almost all Costa Ricans had formal jobs and high-quality social services. To explain this double social and market ...
Una economía política cultural del proyecto de Estado neoliberal en Colombia : narrativas de la crisis y proyecciones a futuro
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaMedellín - Ciencias Humanas y Económicas - Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas y SocialesDepartamento de Estudios Filosóficos y CulturalesFacultad de Ciencias Humanas y EconómicasMedellín, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2021-03-01)
El presente trabajo es una Economía Política Cultural (EPC) que da cuenta de la interacción ideológica entre el Estado colombiano y los organismos multilaterales de crédito en el contexto de la crisis de la deuda ...
A formação dos faxinais na Região Centro Sul do Paraná
(UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE PONTA GROSSABRGestão do Território : Sociedade e NaturezaPrograma de Pós Graduação Mestrado em Gestão do TerritórioUEPG, 2017)
The growth-employment-poverty nexus in Latin America in the 2000s: Venezuela Country Study
(United Nations University. World Institute for Development, 2015-09)
Venezuela experienced slow economic growth during the 2000s. The economy suffered a recession in the early years of the period and during the international crisis of 2008, but most labour market indicators improved and ...
Rethinking the development agenda
(ECLAC, 2001-03)
Summary This paper summarizes some of the basic concepts underlying the call for a new development agenda. 1 Two intersecting themes in the literature on this subject should be emphasized at the outset. The first is the ...
The Effects of contagion during the global financial crisis in government regulated And sponsored assets in emerging markets : the case of Colombian pension funds and State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in BRIC countries
(Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración - CESA, 2022)
A trajetória econômica da Argentina: 1989 - 2007
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de ForaBrasilICH – Instituto de Ciências HumanasPrograma de Pós-graduação em HistóriaUFJF, 2016)
Structural change and productivity growth 20 years later: old problems, new opportunities. Summary
(ECLAC, 2008-06)
IntroductionNearly 20 years ago, ECLAC put forward a proposal for structural change and productivity growth with social equity. At the time, the countries of the region were emerging from the severe crisis of the 1980s, ...