Now showing items 1-10 of 2334
Autoridades certificadoras e segurança na assinatura digital
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritiba, 2014-07-28)
This research aims to present the operation and safety reliability of the certifying authorities in digital signatures, in order to analyze its main characteristics and disseminate knowledge; it is still currently unknown ...
Legendre polynomials based feature extraction for online signature verification. Consistency analysis of feature combinations
(Elsevier, 2014-01)
In this paper, feature combinations associated with the most commonly used time functions related to the signing process are analyzed, in order to provide some insight on their actual discriminative power for online signature ...
One-time signature scheme from syndrome decoding over generic error-correcting codes
We describe a one-time signature scheme based on the hardness of the syndrome decoding problem, and prove it secure in the random oracle model. Our proposal can be instantiated on general linear error correcting codes, ...
A prototype for Brazilian bankcheck recognition
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte LtdSingaporeSingapura, 1997)
Promoting quality e-government solutions by applying a comprehensive information assurance model: use cases for digital signature
Information and Communication Technologies, and specifically
e-Government developments, occupy a relevant position in the
national agenda of many countries worldwide. But development of such
projects requires a careful ...
Promoting quality e-government solutions by applying a comprehensive information assurance model: use cases for digital signature
Information and Communication Technologies, and specifically
e-Government developments, occupy a relevant position in the
national agenda of many countries worldwide. But development of such
projects requires a careful ...
Commercial Law: Legislative developments in Peru during the digital eraDerecho Mercantil: Cambios legislativos del Perú en la era digital
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021)
Verificação oportunista de assinaturas digitais para programas e bibliotecas em sistemas operacionais paginados
(Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do ParanáCuritibaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica e Informática Industrial, 2005)
This work discusses a series of security mechanisms based in cryptography, combining
them with concepts of operating systems, in order to create an innovative architecture
that uses some functionalities characteristics ...
Classification and Verification of Handwritten Signatures with Time Causal Information Theory Quantifiers
(Public Library of Science, 2016-12)
We present a new approach for handwritten signature classification and verification based on descriptors stemming from time causal information theory. The proposal uses the Shannon entropy, the statistical complexity, and ...