Now showing items 31-40 of 11333
Sporting activity in the process of building human consciousness: the physical education teacher in schools as mediator of this process
As defined by cultural–historical theory (CHT), activity is a category that (1) generally orients human developmental processes and (2) specifically orients human consciousness. This research, which was carried out with ...
The dynamical signature of conscious processing: From modality-specific percepts to complex episodes
The search for neural correlates of human consciousness in past decades has been based on different assumptions and methods. Some researchers assume that conscious functions are localized in brain circuits, and ultimately ...
What is Consciousness? Towards a Preliminary Definition
(Imprint Academic, 2014)
Representation Of The Concept Of Time In The Linguistic Consciousness
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Representation of modernization of public consciousness in the mass media discourse
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Dynamic functional connectivity and brain metastability during altered states of consciousness
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018-10)
The scientific study of human consciousness has greatly benefited from the development of non-invasive brain imaging methods. The quest to identify the neural correlates of consciousness combined psychophysical experimentation ...
Consciousness Regained: Disentangling Mechanisms, Brain Systems, and Behavioral Responses
(Soc Neuroscience, 2017)
How consciousness (experience) arises from and relates to material brain processes (the "mind-body problem") has been pondered by thinkers for centuries, and is regarded as among the deepest unsolved problems in science, ...
A consciência inexplicada: as críticas de Searle ao funcionalismo de Dennett
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2014-08-12)
This dissertation is an analytical study of two very influential conceptions of consciousness in contemporary philosophy of mind. The main focus of this research is twofold. First, it intends to describe both John Searle's ...
A consciência inexplicada: as críticas de Searle ao funcionalismo de Dennett
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2014-08-12)
This dissertation is an analytical study of two very influential conceptions of consciousness in contemporary philosophy of mind. The main focus of this research is twofold. First, it intends to describe both John Searle's ...
How the brain transitions from conscious to subliminal perception
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-07-15)
We study the transition in the functional networks that characterize the human brains’ conscious-state to an unconscious subliminal state of perception by using k-core percolation. We find that the most inner core (i.e., ...