Now showing items 21-30 of 630
Genomic content and new insights on the origin of the B chromosome of the cichlid fish Astatotilapia latifasciata
(Springer, 2011-10-01)
B chromosomes are additional chromosomes widely studied in a diversity of eukaryotic groups, including fungi, plants and animals, but their origin, evolution and possible functions are not clearly understood. To further ...
Chromosome Evolution in African Cichlid Fish: Contributions from the Physical Mapping of Repeated DNAs
(Karger, 2010-01-01)
Cichlid fishes have been the subject of increasing scientific interest because of their rapid adaptive radiation that has led to extensive ecological diversity and because of their enormous importance to tropical and ...
Identifying Mazama gouazoubira (Artiodactyla; Cervidae) chromosomes involved in rearrangements induced by doxorubicin
The process of karyotype evolution in Cervidae from a common ancestor (2n = 70, FN = 70) has been marked by complex chromosomal rearrangements. This ancestral karyotype has been retained by the current species Mazama ...
Comparative Chromosome Mapping of U2 snRNA and 5S rRNA Genes in Gymnotus Species (Gymnotiformes, Gymnotidae): Evolutionary Dynamics and Sex Chromosome Linkage in G. pantanal
(Karger, 2014-01-01)
A comparative mapping of U2 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) and 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes was performed in 6 Gymnotus species. All species analyzed presented the U2 snDNA organized in conspicuous blocks and not co-located ...
Molecular characterization and chromosomal localization of two families of satellite DNA in Prochilodus lineatus (Pisces, Prochilodontidae), a species with B chromosomes
Prochilodus lineatus, an abundant species in the Mogi-Guaçu river basin, represents a large part of the region's fishing potential. Karyotypic analyses based on classic cytogenetic techniques have revealed the presence of ...
Insights into chromosomal evolution of Cicadomorpha using fluorochrome staining and mapping 18S rRNA and H3 histone genes
The infraorder Cicadomorpha (Hemiptera) is a cosmopolitan species-rich lineage of phytophagous insects. They have holocentric chromosomes and vary greatly in diploid number across families, with X0 as the predominant sex ...