Now showing items 21-30 of 168
Distributive patterns in settler economies : agrarian income inequality during the first globalization
(UR.FCEA-IE, 2013)
The aim of this paper is to identify different distributive patterns in the settler economies (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, New Zealand and Uruguay) during the First Globalization (1870-1913). I present the ...
Workplace democracy and job flows
(UR.FCEA-IE, 2014)
This paper investigates the relationship between workplace democracy and job flows (net job creations, gross job creations and destructions) by comparing the behavior of worker-managed firms (WMFs) and conventional firms. ...
Does workers' control affect firm survival? : Evidence from Uruguay
(UR.FCEA-IE, 2012)
Worker-managed firms (WMFs) represent a marginal proportion of total firms and aggregate employment in most countries. The bulk of firms in real economies is ultimately controlled by capital suppliers. Different theoretical ...
Impacto de la trombosis venosa cerebral durante embarazo y puerperio: revision sistematica
(Universidad del RosarioEspecialización en Ginecología y ObstericiaFacultad de Medicina, 2013)
Introduction: Cerebral venous thrombosis is most often seen in pregnant women especially during the postpartum period due to the procoagulant condition of pregnancy and the postpartum period. Unfortunately the diagnosis ...
La Reforma Universitaria (2007 2010): ejes temáticos, actores e influencias
(Udelar. CSE, 2014)
Este trabajo pretende relacionar los factores internos y externos a la Universidad de
la República (UR) como variables que explican el proyecto de reforma emprendido por la
institución en el lapso inicial del proceso ...
Análisis de ADN mitocondrial en una muestra de restos óseosarcaicos del periodo Herrera en la sabana de Bogotá
Introduction. Ancient bone remains constitute an important source of biological information,and their genetic characterization allows the confirmation or rebuttal of human affiliationsproposed on the basis of non-molecular ...
Trombosis venosa obstetrica no neurologica en Lupus y Sindrome Antifosfolipido
(Universidad del RosarioEspecialización en Ginecología y ObstericiaFacultad de Medicina, 2013)
InSystemic Lupus Erythematosusand Antiphospholipid Syndrome are conditions associated with pregnancy,increase the risk of thrombotic events, up to 40%.
Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review to identify the ...
Atividade antioxidante, compostos fenólicos totais e cor em abacate ‘hass’ submetido a diferentes tratamentos físicos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-03-03)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a atividade antioxidante, compostos fenólicos totais e cor em abacate ‘Hass’ submetido ao tratamento térmico, radiação gama e ultravioleta. Após a colheita, os frutos foram ...
Atividade antioxidante, compostos fenólicos totais e cor em abacate ‘hass’ submetido a diferentes tratamentos físicos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-03-03)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a atividade antioxidante, compostos fenólicos totais e cor em abacate ‘Hass’ submetido ao tratamento térmico, radiação gama e ultravioleta. Após a colheita, os frutos foram ...
PPP in OECD Countries: An Analysis of Real Exchange Rate Stationarity, Cross-Sectional Dependency and Structural Breaks
The stationarity of OECD real exchange rates over the period 1972-2008 is tested using a panel of 26 member countries. The methodology followed stems from the need to meet several key concerns: (i) the identification of ...