Now showing items 141-150 of 168
Prevalencia, población y factores asociados del Síndrome Visual Informático 2010-2020: Revisión de Alcance
Introduction: Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a set of visual symptoms related to a prolonged time of exposure to digital screens. The high number of computer users worldwide has generated nearly 60 million people affected ...
Factores asociados a falla terapéutica de medicamentos biológicos tipo Anti-TNF en pacientes con artritis reumatoide en la IPS Biomab
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic behavioral inflammatory disease where its most effective therapeutic intervention is based on combined pharmacological therapies and different clinical specialties, as studies ...
Memorias de Esplendor y Ocaso: de El Teatro San Jorge en Bogotá (1938-1999)
This research rebuilds the woven memory around one of the first multimodal theaters (theater, radio, cinema) country’s Art Deco, the CINE San Jorge Theater, located in the fourteenth locality of "Los Martires" in Bogotá ...
Incidencia de la política migratoria de España sobre los migrantes colombianos y su efecto en las relaciones diplomáticas binacionales. 2005-2010
(Universidad del RosarioRelaciones InternacionalesFacultad de Relaciones Internacionales, 2014)
The present study of case intended to explain the mechanisms of answer that incorporate the migratory politics of Spain, specifically the Organic Law 4/2000. This type of research allows to observe the grade of incidence ...
Prevalencia de retinopatía diabética en diabéticos tipo II en un centro de referencia 2012 – 2017
(Universidad del RosarioFacultad de medicina, 2018)
Introduction: By 2030 a diabetic population of 33 million people in Latin America is estimated. The overall prevalence is 25.2%, in Hispanics it varies from 30 to 50% with complications costs around 493 million dollars. ...
Principales desenlaces clínicos en lactantes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda tratados con cánula nasal de alto flujo
(Universidad del RosarioEspecialización en Cuidado Intensivo PediátricoFacultad de medicina, 2019)
The High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) is a non-invasive ventilatory modality that is increasingly used in the pediatric population in which benefits are described on oxygenation, ventilation and comfort of the patient through ...
La Planeación Estratégica y su Incidencia en la Capacidad Operativa del Estado Colombiano: Un Análisis Descriptivo
(Universidad del RosarioMaestría en DirecciónFacultad de administración, 2018)
The present work performs a descriptive analysis of strategic planning and its incidence in the capacities of the Colombian State, in order to do so, revision of literature was necessary on the following subjects: planning, ...
El rol de la Unión Africana (UA) en el Cuerno de África a partir del caso de Somalia - AMISOM (2007-2013)
(Universidad del RosarioRelaciones InternacionalesFacultad de Relaciones Internacionales, 2016)
The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of the African Union (AU) in the peacekeeping mission of Somalia, AMISOM in the period 2007- 2013. To this end, the work covers geopolitical and historical ...
Relación entre estrés laboral y presencia de enfermedad cardiovascular en la población médica y paramédica : revisión de literatura, 2006 a 2016
(Universidad del RosarioMaestría en Salud Ocupacional y AmbientalFacultad de medicina, 2017)
Introduction: The study of the prevalence of work-related stress and its relationship with the presentation of cardiovascular diseases on health workers, constitutes an occupational category of important studying and ...
La construcción de sentido (‘sensemaking’) de un entorno estratégico turbulento por parte de los altos directivos: un estudio en una multinacional automotriz
(Universidad del RosarioMaestría en DirecciónFacultad de administración, 2017)
This article presents the results of a research carried out in two contexts. On the one hand, the theorist, in the framework of one of the most relevant discourses in the fields of organizational strategy, managerial and ...