Now showing items 31-40 of 416
Looking inside the determinants and the effects of entrepreneurial innovation projects in an emerging economy
Ongoing research agendas regarding the intersection between entrepreneurship and innovation in academia still demand analysis about the antecedents/consequences of enterprise-university collaborations. On the one hand, ...
The triple helix model of silicon valley and Ecuador
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2016-12)
Silicon Valley emerged as a center of research and innovative technological development. The unprecedented success of Silicon Valley is a result of the interaction between the structural transformation of technology and ...
Design of a triple helix strategy for developing nations based on e-government and entrepreneurship: An application to ecuador
The arrival of Rafael Correa in Ecuador is leading to a structural transformation of the Ecuadorian economy and society with the arrival of e-Government and the introduction of the digital economy in the country. The ...
Contribuição da Pós-Graduação da UFES para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Período 1992-2012: Um estudo sob a perspectiva do modelo de cooperação Triple Helix
(Universidade Federal do Espírito SantoBRMestrado Profissional em Gestão PúblicaUFESMestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública, 2017-12-20)
Experiencias conducentes a la creación y consolidación del centro de gestión de conocimiento en la unad cead arbeláez
(Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 2011-11)
La gestión del conocimiento es considerada una temática vital para los sectores productivo, educativo y gubernamental, en términos de cuál es su significado, cómo se concibe y de cómo debe ser gestionado para ser aprovechado ...
Propuesta del modelo de la triple hélice entre los agentes IPES como entidad del distrito, Uniempresarial y la galería de flores ubicada en la calle 26.
(Fundación Universitaria Empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá - UniempresarialEscuela de AdministraciónBogotá D.C., 2021)