Now showing items 1-10 of 216245
Instalación de JDK de Java en Ambiente Linux- Ubuntu
This content illustrates the installation of Java Development Kit (JDK) in Linux-Ubuntu environment. It is important for students of Computer Systems, with specific skills for managing open development platforms, in addition ...
Red Digital de Servicios Integrados
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is a technology that allows transmission of data, images, voice, video and text in digital form.
Camel: collective-aware message logging
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2015-03)
The continuous progress in the performance of supercomputers has made possible the understanding of many fundamental problems in science. Simulation, the third scientific pillar, constantly demands more powerful machines ...
Third-Generation Display Technology: Nominally Transparent Material
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2010)
Interpolación de forma
Programación estructurada
*¿Qué es C?
*Principios Básicos de C
*La Estructura de un Programa en C
*Tipos de Datos y Palabras Reservadas
*Entradas y Salidas
*Operadores e Instrucciones de Control de Flujo
Aprendizaje No Supervisado (Aprendizaje Asociativo)
It gives an introduction to associative learning using Hebb's postulate of learning networks belonging to unsupervised.
Mapa Auto Organizados
It describes the characteristics of self-organizing maps, the learning rule, the training algorithm, in order to solve classification problems.
Estructura de datos. Recursión
La recursión o recursividad es un
concepto amplio, con muchas
variantes, y difícil de precisar con
pocas palabras.