Now showing items 1-10 of 3596
Rethinking the Virtuous Circle Hypothesis on Social Media: Subjective versus Objective Knowledge and Political Participation
Despite early promise, scholarship has shown little empirical evidence of learning from the news on social media. At the same time, scholars have documented the problem of information 'snacking' and information quality on ...
Multi-sector nature, subjects and knowledge in political training workshops in popular movementsMultisectorialidad, sujetos y saberes en talleres de formación política de movimientos populares
(Sistema Editorial y de Difusión de la Investigación (SIEDIN), Universidad de Costa Rica, 2021)
Undoing diversity: knowledge and neoliberal discourses in colleges of education
In this article we analyze discourses of 'diversity' in colleges of education in Chile. We contend that the use of discourses of diversity, as reproducing the separation between mainstream subjectivities and those uncontained ...
Culturas políticas (Re)significando la categoría desde una perspectiva de géneroPolitical Cultures (Re)Signifying the Category from a Gender Perspective
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2016-05)
Las miradas androcéntricas acerca de las prácticas de las mujeres y de su lugar social se reproducen en las premisas detrás de conceptos como el de cultura política. En la mayoría de los estudios sobre cultura política, ...
The Influence of Sales Tax Transparency and Political Trust on Brazilian Consumer Behaviour
(Univ Brasilia, Bus Adm Dept, 2020-01-01)
Objective: this study aimed to observe whether consumer behaviour is affected by sales tax transparency and political trust, considering the Theory of Planned Behavior model as the conceptual framework. Method: the research ...
Paulo Freire y su legado político pedagógico en la sistematización de experiencias emancipatoriasPaulo Freire’s Pedagogical Political Legacy in the Systematization of Emancipatory Experiences
(Subsecretaría de publicaciones. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. UBA, 2020)
Conhecimento e Tecnologias Visuais: Dimensão SócioTécnica, Linguagem e Limites do Humano.
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2012-07)
Analisaremos as dinâmicas sócio-políticas que pré-configuram o desenvolvimento das tecnologias de imagem e visão, tendo como foco a relação humano-máquina e as tendências informacionais e cibernéticas de superação do Humano. ...