Now showing items 21-30 of 1376
Proposal for a management model to reduce the desertion of students from a Higher Technical Institute of Communications in PeruPropuesta de modelo de gestión para disminuir la deserción de estudiantes de un Instituto Técnico Superior de Comunicaciones en el Perú
(Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, extensión Guayaquil, 2022)
Telepresence Technological Model Applied to Primary Education
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-09-01)
This research paper proposes a low-cost telepresence technological model focused on primary education. Its aim is to give students a new resource/communication channel for classes, which would be used when they cannot ...
Content-Based Learning Object Recommendation System Using a User Profile Ontology for High School Students
(SpringerCH, 2021)
The lack of quality of education in Peruvian schools has caused young people to look for other ways to obtain information, of which the web stands out. However, this tool is made up of billions of web pages, which affects ...
An application of the Linear Logistic Test Model for the construction of a Fluid Intelligence Test
(Instituto de Investigación en Educación, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2019)
Emergency Remote Education Satisfaction during COVID-19 at a Public University in Central Andes, Peru with Low Resources and Little Online Teaching Experience
(Edam, 2022-04-14)
Emergency measures to continue university activities during COVID-19 have affected student performance and satisfaction, especially in regions with scarce resources and little experience in virtual education. Online education ...
Positive discipline to manage the students’ behaviors and attitudes in a preschool EFL classroom presented by
(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de DiosLicenciatura en Idioma Extranjero - Inglés, 2015)
The aim of this project is to explore “positive discipline strategies” to manage different students’ behaviors and attitudes in the EFL class of a preschool group in a public school in Bogota. Positive discipline is a model ...
Determinantes de la intención emprendedora: nueva evidencia
(Interciencia AssociationVE, 2016)
En este estudio se analizan los determinantes de la intención emprendedora en estudiantes de una escuela de negocios universitaria chilena. En línea con los estudios clásicos de intención emprendedora, se consideran ...
Students With High Metacognition Are Favourable Towards Individualism When Anxious
Metacognitive ability has been described as an important predictor of several processes involved in learning, including problem-solving. Although this relationship is fairly documented, little is known about the mechanisms ...