Now showing items 31-40 of 1622
Living up to expectations: how job training made women better off and men worse off
(National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017-03)
We study the interaction between job and soft skills training on expectations and labor market outcomes in the context of a youth training program in the Dominican Republic. Program applicants were randomly assigned to one ...
The effect of the Kangaroo Mother Care program (KMC) on wages: A structural model
In this paper we analyze the relationship between skills and some outcomes later in life for a population of premature children. Pretreatment skills and characteristics are good predictors of childhood and adulthood skills ...
Diseño de CLAST: Programa de Educación Emocional para niños de 5 años
El presente trabajo abordó el diseño de un programa de Educación Emocional no implementado, para niños de transición en edades de 5 años, alrededor del modelo CLAST creado a partir de las iniciales en inglés: Competences ...
Efeitos da prática de natação sobre o controle postural e a aprendizagem de habilidades aquáticas em idosos
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Gerontologia - PPGGeroCâmpus São Carlos, 2020-05-25)
Worldwide, the number of older people is growing rapidly and it is a direct consequence from fertility rates decline and life expectancy increase the older ages. Thus, its necessary to develop strategies for health promotion, ...
El pensamiento computacional en la vida cotidianaComputational thinking in everyday life
(Revista Scientific, vol. 4, no. 13, 2019Venezuela, 2020)
Modular Leveling Program for first-year students of the University of Costa Rica of the Pacific Headquarters in the year 2022: systematization of tasksPrograma Modular de nivelación para estudiantes de primer ingreso de la Universidad de Costa Rica de la Sede del Pacífico 2022: sistematización de labores
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023)
Maternal and non-maternal care in infancy and later child cognitive, language and motor development in Chile: does type of care matter?
(Elsevier, 2020)
Growing numbers of children across the world start non-maternal care in the first year of life. However, few studies have described how different infant care experiences may relate to later child cognitive, language and ...
The Effects of Situated Learning Through a Community Partnership in a Teacher Preparation Program
(SAGE, 2013)
This article examines the value of using an alternative approach to college course instruction in an off-campus location, an agency for individuals with developmental disabilities. The situated learning model is an alternative ...