Now showing items 21-30 of 138
Levantamiento de una base de datos para el diagnóstico de fallas en motores de combustión interna ciclo Otto con sistema MPFI mediante el análisis del sensor MAP
This document presents the development of is the creation of a database for the diagnosis of faults in the motors through the analysis of the MAP sensor (Manifold Absolute Pressure), through which you can determine and ...
Mini data logger system
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2012)
Creación de una base de datos a partir del análisis de las señales de los sensores del sistema de inyección para la localización de averías en motores de combustión interna
In this project, detailed the study carried out to obtain and analyze information from the sensors in vehicles, to create a database, with the purpose of detecting incipient failures that the engine's diagnostic system is ...
Aplicación del diseño experimental para el análisis de la estanqueidad del conjunto cilindro-pistón de un motor Hyundai Accent 1.5L mediante el análisis de la señal del sensor MAP
The research presents the analysis of the MAP sensor signal, depending on the clearance factors segments, oil viscosity and engine speed, applying a statistical analysis in order to present a methodology to relate the ...
Patrón de gráficas de los sensores del motor Otto utilizando la técnica de diagnóstico por imagen
In the present project shows the design of a patterns based on the engine sensors Otto, for data acquisition is carried out by the team of the curve plotter of vehicles more commercial areas in the city of Cuenca as are: ...
Desarrollo de un algoritmo para el diagnóstico del estado porcentual del rendimiento de los cilindros, mediante el análisis de la señal del sensor de posición del cigüeñal de un motor Nissan FD 6 cilindros
In this paper the development and implementation of a diagnostic algorithm is presented to estimate the performance of combustion and compression of the cylinders of a diesel engine from the instantaneous engine speed as ...
Desarrollo de un prototipo computacional de diagnóstico de averías mediante recopilación de datos del sensor CKP de un motor Daewoo GM F16D3A
The paper shows the methodology used for the analysis of the CKP sensor signal of inductive type, in a Daewoo GM F16D3A engine in order to create a fault diagnosis system based on neural networks and consequently the ...
Creación de una base de datos a partir del análisis de las señales de los sensores del motor para la localización de averías que no generan código
This document consists in the creation of a database to detect faults that are not recognize by the diagnostic system in an internal combustion engine, by taking the signals coming from the different sensors of the engine, ...
Implementación de un panel digital para el monitoreo de los sensores y encendido por bluetooth mediante Raspberry de un motor Hyundai Avante a gasolina
The technical project presented was developed with the purpose of monitoring the operation graphs of the sensors of a Hyundai Avante gasoline injection engine, which will be reflected on an LCD. It is also presented the ...
Identificación del fallo de los inyectores de un MEC mediante el análisis de las señales de los sensores CKP y CMP utilizando RNA
The project shows the development of a diagnostic system using RNA, it allows to identify the injector that is faulty in a Santa Fe 2.0 CRDI engine, through the acquisition and analysis of the signals from the CKP and CMP ...