Now showing items 31-40 of 53186
Allometry of root branching and its relationship to root morphological and functional traits in three range grasses
(Oxford University Press, 2019)
Root and shoot interactions in a tropical integrated crop–livestock–forest system
Integrated crop–livestock–forest systems (ICLFS) have potential advantages compared to monoculture, but most studies quantifying plant biomass in integrated production systems, have quantified only the aboveground component ...
Crop root systems: extension, distribution and growthSistemas radicales de cultivos: extensión, distribución y crecimiento
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Austral de Chile, 2017)
Dynamics of soil exploration by fine roots down to a depth of 10 m throughout the entire rotation in Eucalyptus grandis plantations
(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2013-07-09)
Although highly weathered soils cover considerable areas in tropical regions, little is known about exploration by roots in deep soil layers. Intensively managed Eucalyptus plantations are simple forest ecosystems that can ...
Consequences of mixing Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis trees on soil exploration by fine-roots down to a depth of 17 m
(Springer, 2018-03-01)
Fine-root functioning is a major driver of plant growth and strongly influences the global carbon cycle. While fine-root over-yielding has been shown in the upper soil layers of mixed-species forests relative to monospecific ...
The effect of root exudates on root architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana
(Springer, 2011-07)
Root architecture is of key importance for plant nutrition and performance. It is known that root architecture is determined by genetics and environmental conditions. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if root ...
In Vitro Macroscopic and Endoscopic Analysis of Three-Rooted Maxillary Premolars and Two-Rooted Mandibular Premolars in the Same Individual: a Case Report
The recent addition of endoscopy in dental practice has enabled clinicians to have an excellent view of the operative field, yielding highly successful visualization of anatomical structures that are difficult to access, ...
Apical leakage after root canal filling with an experimental calcium hydroxide gutta-percha point
This study was an in vitro analysis of the apical seal of root canals filled with an experimental calcium hydroxide gutta-percha point. One hundred and ten recently extracted human permanent teeth with a single root were ...