Now showing items 31-40 of 3963
Exo70 intracellular redistribution after repeated mild traumatic brain injury
Exo70 is a subunit of the greater exocyst complex, a collection of proteins that oversees cellular membrane addition and polarized exocytosis by acting ...
Biased Perceptions of Income Distribution and Preferences for Redistribution: Evidence from a Survey Experiment
(Institute for the Study of Labor, 2011-05)
Individual perceptions of income distribution play a vital role in political economy and public finance models, yet there is little evidence regarding their origins or accuracy. This study examines how individuals form ...
Spectral redistribution of waveguided emission in BEH-PPV films
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014)
Changing attitudes toward redistribution: The role of perceived economic inequality in everyday life and intolerance of inequality
Modern societies are characterized by economic inequality. Redistributive policies are one of the means to reduce it. We argue that perceived economic inequality in everyday life and intolerance of it are central factors ...
Biased perceptions of income distribution and preferences for redistribution: Evidence from a survey experiment
(Elsevier Science, 2013-02)
Individual perceptions of income distribution play a vital role in political economy and public finance models, yet there is little evidence regarding their origins or accuracy. This study examines how individuals form ...
Serious games and transport justice: Examining redistributive issues through classification and dictator games
Introduction: Serious games can provide an important contribution to grasp how people perceivecertain social issues related to transport and what factors are more relevant for them. The paperexamines the use of serious ...