Now showing items 1-10 of 7488
Context-sensitive analysis of obfuscated x86 executables
A method for context-sensitive analysis of binaries that may have obfuscated procedure call and return operations is presented. Such binaries may use operators to directly manipulate stack instead of using native call and ...
Context-sensitive analysis of obfuscated x86 executables
A method for context-sensitive analysis of binaries that may have obfuscated procedure call and return operations is presented. Such binaries may use operators to directly manipulate stack instead of using native call and ...
Context-sensitive analysis without calling-context
Since Sharir and Pnueli, algorithms for context-sensitivity have been defined in terms of 'valid' paths in an interprocedural flow graph. The definition of valid paths requires atomic call and ret statements, and encapsulated ...
O procedimento comum e sua relação com os procedimentos especiais: a análise do conteúdo normativo do art. 327, §2º, do novo código de processo civil
(Faculdade de DireitoPrograma de pós-graduação em DireitoUFBAbrasil, 2019-05-22)
A tese destinou-se à compreensão dos arranjos normativos e do conteúdo eficacial decorrentes do art. 327, §2º, do CPC, seja interpretando-o isoladamente ou em conjunto com outros dispositivos. Observou-se que o aludido ...
Dual Formulation of the Lie Algebra S-expansion Procedure
(Cornell University Library, 2015)
Dual Formulation of the Lie Algebra S-expansion Procedure
(Cornell University Library, 2015)
Propagation of natural toad calls in a Mediterranean terrestrial environment
Propagation patterns of animal acoustic signals provide insights into the evolution of signal design to convey signalers information to potential recipients. However, propagation properties of vertebrate calls have been ...
As cláusulas gerais no sistema processual brasileiro e a efetividade da decisão judicial : uma análise sobre a aplicabilidade do § 5º do art. 461 do CPC
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2012-09-05)
The normative texts or statements work as the physical basis from which the legal interpreter builds the norm that can assume a form of principle or rule. These normative texts usually consist on a double-structured ...