Now showing items 1-10 of 1757
The Principle of Proportionality, Rights Theory and the Double Effect Doctrine
(Springer, 2016)
This chapter aims to state which, if any, is the connection between the legal principle of reasonableness and the moral principle of double effect, taking into account that they share an analogous purpose and that the ...
Proporcionalidad, pena y principio de legalidadProportionality, punishment, and principle of legality
(Universidad del Norte, Ediciones UninorteDerecho y SociedadBarranquilla, Colombia, 2015)
A (in)adequação do art. 28 da lei nº 11.343 aos princípios penais da ofensividade e da proporcionalidade
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2015-11-30)
The power of criminal tutelage of the State is the most extreme and offensive form that sovereign entities have to ensure social order. Through the use of jus puniendi the State possess the express authorization to limit ...
The proportionality of crime and punishment on children gradual criminal liability
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Principle of proportionality and criminal law judicial review. A comparison between Chilean and Colombian experiencesPrincipio de proporcionalidad y control constitucional de las leyes penales. Una comparación entre las experiencias de Chile y Colombia
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales., 2011)
El principio de proporcionalidad en la reciente jurisprudencia constitucional en Chile
(Universidad La Salle, Facultad de Derecho, 2017-07)
En el presente Artículo se analiza el principio de proporcionalidad, desde la perspectiva de la doctrina y jurisprudencia. / This article analyzes the principle of proportionality, from the perspective of doctrine and ...
El principio de proporcionalidad en la reciente jurisprudencia constitucional en Chile
(Universidad La Salle, Facultad de Derecho, 2017-07)
En el presente Artículo se analiza el principio de proporcionalidad, desde la perspectiva de la doctrina y jurisprudencia. / This article analyzes the principle of proportionality, from the perspective of doctrine and ...
The Constitutional Court and the use of Standards: A Necessary Methodology for Strenghtening Economic Judicial Review
The author suggests that the use of certain judicial standards by the Chilean Constitutional Court (TC) when exercising its judicial review authority is an enormous step towards strengthening the judicial review of economic ...
The Constitutional Court and the use of Standards: A Necessary Methodology for Strenghtening Economic Judicial Review
The author suggests that the use of certain judicial standards by the Chilean Constitutional Court (TC) when exercising its judicial review authority is an enormous step towards strengthening the judicial review of economic ...