Now showing items 51-60 of 230
Combining ecological aspects and local knowledge for the conservation of two native mammals in the Gran Chaco
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-12)
Land use changes in the South American Gran Chaco affect native fauna and the ecosystem services (ES) they provide. The consequences of defaunation and the empty forest syndrome have been identified in tropical and subtropical ...
Epiphytic bromeliad communities in secondary and mature forest in a tropical premontane area
We analyzed the differences in species richness, community composition, population structure and within-tree location of epiphytic bromeliads in contiguous secondary and mature forests in a premontane area in Costa Rica. ...
Masting has different effects on seed predation by insects and birds in antarctic beech forests with no influence of forest management
Mast seeding is characteristic of many long-lived tree species and widely proposed as a mechanism to reduce seed predation. However, whether the efficiency of this reproductive response may vary depending on type of seed ...
Does attraction to frugivores or defense against pathogens shape fruit pulp composition?
(Springer, 2008-03-01)
Fruit traits evolve in response to an evolutionary triad between plants, seed dispersers, and antagonists that consume fruits but do not disperse seeds. The defense trade-off hypothesis predicts that the composition of ...
Does attraction to frugivores or defense against pathogens shape fruit pulp composition?
(Springer, 2008-03-01)
Fruit traits evolve in response to an evolutionary triad between plants, seed dispersers, and antagonists that consume fruits but do not disperse seeds. The defense trade-off hypothesis predicts that the composition of ...
Quais os papéis de aves e formigas na regeneração de uma árvore ornitocórica?What are the role of birds and ants in regeneration of the ornithochoric tree?
(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2018)
Assessing the Impact of Deforestation of the Atlantic Rainforest on Ant-Fruit Interactions: A Field Experiment Using Synthetic Fruits
(Public Library ScienceSan FranciscoEUA, 2014)
Ecofisiologia evolutiva de sementes de Melastomataceae de campos rupestres
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2011-08-16)
Seed biology plays a central role in plant ecology and evolution. The multiple benefits provided by seeds to seed plants were crucial in their rise and dominance throughout theglobe. Seeds are of primary significance for ...