Now showing items 31-40 of 89
La importancia de los cuentos conocidos en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera: una propuesta metodológica para el aula de 5 años
Las narraciones de cuentos son un recurso ampliamente utilizado en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en el aula de educación infantil, pudiéndose introducir de diferentes modos. En el trabajo presentamos el ...
Trabalho e formação dos educadores de creche em Botucatu: reflexões críticas
(Fundação Carlos Chagas, 2014)
What are the benefits from early childhood education?
(OECD, 2016-05)
Early childhood education and care programmes (ECEC) have become more accessible in recent years, with high enrolment rates in both early childhood educational development and preprimary education. The educational results ...
What are the benefits from early childhood education?
(OECD, 2016-05)
Early childhood education and care programmes (ECEC) have become more accessible in recent years, with high enrolment rates in both early childhood educational development and preprimary education. The educational results ...
Efectos de la provisión universal de educación pre-escolar sobre la asistencia y la participación laboral femenina. Evidencia para el caso uruguayo.
La provisión de plazas públicas de educación preescolar se espera que facilite a las familias, en particular a las madres, el vínculo con el mercado de trabajo. Sin embargo, la evidencia empírica sobre sus efectos no es ...
La importancia de la educación motriz en el proceso de enseñanza de la lecto –escritura en niños y niñas del nivel preprimaria y de primeroThe importance of motor education in the process of teaching reading and writing in boys and girls at the preprimary and first level
(Innova Research Journal, 2019)
Pricing the right to education : The cost of reaching the new education targets by 2030
(UNESCO, 2015-03)
This paper shows there is an annual financing gap of US$22 billion over 2015-2030 for reaching universal pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education of good quality in low and lower middle income countries.
Pricing the right to education : The cost of reaching the new education targets by 2030
(UNESCO, 2015-03)
This paper shows there is an annual financing gap of US$22 billion over 2015-2030 for reaching universal pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education of good quality in low and lower middle income countries.
The State of Numeracy Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
(BID, 2010-11)
Through this review we have sought to further understanding of the state of preprimary, primary, and secondary numeracy education in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Research on the opportunities available to students ...