Now showing items 21-30 of 89
Teachers’ Perceptions of Fostering Creativity and Imagination among Three and Four Year Old (sic) Preschoolers: An Exploratory Case
This exploratory case study investigated three preschool teachers’ views regarding what they perceived as enhancers and inhibitors to fostering creativity and imagination among three- and four-year-old pre-schoolers in ...
Access to pre-primary education and progression in primary School : evidence from rural Guatemala
(World Bank, 2016-02)
Evidence on the impacts of a large-scale expansion in pre-primary education is limited and mostly circumscribed to high- and middle-income nations. This study estimates the effects of such an expansion on progression in ...
Access to pre-primary education and progression in primary School : evidence from rural Guatemala
(World Bank, 2016-02)
Evidence on the impacts of a large-scale expansion in pre-primary education is limited and mostly circumscribed to high- and middle-income nations. This study estimates the effects of such an expansion on progression in ...
The Effect of a Large Expansion of Pre-primary School Facilities on Preschool Attendance and Maternal Employment
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía, 2005-08)
"We provide evidence on the impact of a large construction of pre-primary school facilities in Argentina. We estimate the causal impact of the program on pre-primary school attendance and maternal labor supply. Identification ...
The impact of preprimary construction on primary school progress in rural Guatemala
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía, 2011-05)
This paper estimates the impacts of opening a preprimary in rural communities on
primary school progression in Guatemala. Using administrative school-level data from
1992 to 2006 and a difference-in-difference approach, ...
Investigation Into the Early Childhood Care and Education Centre-Based Active Learning Curriculum Approach: Teachers’ Concerns at Four ECCE Centres in the St. George East Educational District
This study investigated four teachers’ concerns about the early childhood care and education (ECCE) centre-based active learning curriculum approach at four government ECCE centres in the St. George East Educational District ...
Competencias sociales y emocionales del profesorado de Educación Infantil y su relación con la gestión del clima de aula
Este estudio explora la relación existente entre las competencias sociales y emocionales autopercibidas en docentes de segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil, medidas a través del cuestionario EQ-i, con su habilidad para ...
Government Education Expenditures, Pre-Primary Education and School Performance : A Cross-Country Analysis
(Institute for the Study of Labor, 2018-02)
Using data from OECD's PISA, Eurostat and World Bank's WDI, the authors explore how child cognitive outcomes at the aggregate country level are related to macroeconomic conditions, specifically government education ...
Trabalho e formação dos educadores de creche em Botucatu: reflexões críticas
(Fundação Carlos Chagas, 2005-12-01)
Considerando a recente preocupação de estabelecer programas de formação em serviço para educadores de creche, estudamos oito creches municipais de Botucatu (SP). O objetivo foi conhecer as condições de trabalho e de formação ...
Trabalho e formação dos educadores de creche em Botucatu: reflexões críticas
(Fundação Carlos Chagas, 2005-12-01)
Considerando a recente preocupação de estabelecer programas de formação em serviço para educadores de creche, estudamos oito creches municipais de Botucatu (SP). O objetivo foi conhecer as condições de trabalho e de formação ...