Now showing items 17671-17673 of 17673
Identificación de indicadores de calidad de la atención para fisioterapia: una revisión sistemática
Introduction: Despite the emerging role of indicators for the evaluation of quality of care in physical therapy, these have been developed mainly for other health areas and only some are relevant and applicable to physical ...
XVIII Congreso Internacional de Humanidades: "América Latina y El Caribe 2020: Desafíos de los saberes humanistas en tiempos complejos". Memorias Mesas Temáticas
The eighteenth version of the International Congress on Humanities focused its reflection on the main challenges that Latin America and the Caribbean face at a time in history characterized by complexity. This circumstance ...
w.k: a/v* *(working title: audiovisual)
(Facultad de Artes y HumanidadesManizalesArtes Plásticas, 2023)