Now showing items 11-20 of 545
Symbolic knowledge and the myth of fire in ancient cultures. Contributions from the creative imagination of Gastón BachelardEl conocimiento simbólico y el mito del fuego en las culturas antiguas. Aportes desde la imaginación creadora de Gastón Bachelard
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2020)
Juan Liscano : poesía y modernidad en Venezuela (1939-1943)
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe, 2019)
Escenas de enunciación en la antología "La edad anaranjada" de Marosa Di Giorgio
7he poetic anthology, La Edad Anaranjada, of the 8ruguaya Zriter Marosa
Di Giorgio Zas edited in Ecuador in 2012 and released the poetic proposals of one of
the fundamental Zriters of Latin American. One of the recurring ...
Entre idas e vindas
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Artes e Letras, 2018-07-12)
This work deals with a research developed as TFG, partial requirement to obtain the degree of the Visual Arts Course of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM, RS), Bachelor of Visual Arts - Design and Plastic Education. ...
Êxtase enfermiço: neurose e a poética da transcendência em Cruz e Sousa
This article is a discussion on the vision of transcendence peculiar to the poetic of Decadentism and considers the reference offered for the Cruz e Sousa´s poetry. We call poetic transcendence the search for Ideal and for ...
A questão da inexauribilidade do texto: o Frühromantik e a escritura derridiana
This article aims to investigate the configuration on the new scenario, during the Early German Romanticism, which led to dismantle the philosophical discourse as the expression of a safe and fixed content, free from the ...