Now showing items 31-40 of 767
Some characteristics of orbits for a spacecraft around Mercury
Solar sails are a type of propulsion that uses solar radiation pressure to generate acceleration. The fundamental goal for any solar sail design is to provide a large and flat reflective film which requires a minimum of ...
Sun-synchronous solar reflector orbits designed to warm Mars
Although the Martian environment is very cold (averaging about − 60 ∘ C), highly oxidizing and desiccated, several studies have proposed human colonization of Mars. To carry out this ambitious goal, terraforming schemes ...
Pertubação orbital devida a um terceiro corpo com distribuição não uniforme de massa e em órbita elíptica
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2014)
Third-body perturbation in the case of elliptic orbits for the disturbing body
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2008-01-01)
This work presents a semi-analytical and numerical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third-body using a double averaged analytical model with the disturbing function expanded in Legendre polynomials up ...
Third-body perturbation in the case of elliptic orbits for the disturbing body
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2008-01-01)
This work presents a semi-analytical and numerical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third-body using a double averaged analytical model with the disturbing function expanded in Legendre polynomials up ...
Partially chaotic orbits in a perturbed cubic force model
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-11)
Three types of orbits are theoretically possible in autonomous Hamiltonian systems with 3 degrees of freedom: fully chaotic (they only obey the energy integral), partially chaotic (they obey an additional isolating integral ...
Limit cycles for a mechanical system coming from the perturbation of a four-dimensional linear center
(SpringerNew YorkEUA, 2006)
On the effects of each term of the geopotential perturbation along the time I: Quasi-circular orbits
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-09-15)
This paper provides a useful new method to determine minimum and maximum range of values for the degree and order of the geopotential coefficients required for simulations of orbits of satellites around the Earth. The ...
Study of the roto-orbital motion using intermediaries: numerical experiments
The purpose of the present study is to test two recently proposed integrable models to study the roto-orbital motion of an axisymmetric rigid body, considering this body under the influence of a central gravitational field. ...
Pertubações orbitais devidas a maré terrestre
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2002)
Aplicações recentes de satélites artificiais, principalmente aquelas com finalidades geodinâmicas e altimétricas, requerem órbitas determinadas com bastante precisão. Em particular as marés terrestres alteram o geopotencial, ...