Now showing items 21-30 of 54000
Diagnosis of nutrient composition in fruit crops: Major developments
Early methods of tissue diagnosis opposed the concept of critical nutrient concentrations supported by the laws of the minimum and the optimum to the more complex one of nutrient balances. But this proved to be a futile ...
Manejo de nutrientes por sitio específico en el cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum, L.)XX Congreso Latinoamericano y XVI Congreso Peruano de la Ciencia del Suelo
(Cusco, PE: Sociedad Latinoamericana de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2014, 2016)
Expresión Elemental de Nutrientes
(Zamorano: Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, 2015, 2015)
Head lettuce production and nutrition in relation to nutrient solution flowProdução e nutrição da alface americana em função da vazão da solução nutritiva
The optimum flow rate of nutrient solution in hydroponic system can better nourish the crops, allowing healthy and faster growth of lettuce. However, flow also interferes with electric power consumption, so further researches ...
Native and alien herbaceous plants in the Brazilian Cerrado are (co-)limited by different nutrients
Background and aims: The diverse flora of the Brazilian Cerrado is threatened by agricultural expansion, nutrient enrichment and invasion of alien plants. We performed a fertilization experiment to investigate the nature ...
Interacción Fármacos- Nutrientes en Enfermedades Neurológicas de Alta Prevalencia
(Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud., 2010)
A lo largo de este trabajo se revisan las principales interacciones e incompatibilidades que surgen al administrar en forma conjunta los fármacos más prescriptos para las patologías en estudio, y los nutrientes que más se ...
Critical Nutrient Concentrations and DRIS Norms for Pinus patula
(Preprints 2018, 2018)
Phosphorus and potassium balance in a corn-soybean rotation under no-till and chiseling
Nutrient use efficiency has become an important issue in agriculture, and crop rotations with deep vigorous rooted cover crops under no till may be an important tool in increasing nutrient conservation in agricultural ...
Phosphorus and potassium balance in a corn-soybean rotation under no-till and chiseling
Nutrient use efficiency has become an important issue in agriculture, and crop rotations with deep vigorous rooted cover crops under no till may be an important tool in increasing nutrient conservation in agricultural ...