Now showing items 21-30 of 1696
Travelling museums and itinerant collections in nineteenth-century Latin America
(Taylor & Francis, 2013-07)
There is one genre of museums that remains little understood — travelling collections. These museums put on display natural history collections, anatomical specimens, and ethnographical models in wax. Maintained by itinerate ...
Blood flow distribution in an anatomically detailed arterial network model: criteria and algorithms
(Springer Heidelberg, 2014-11-01)
Development of blood flow distribution criteria is a mandatory step toward developing computational models and numerical simulations of the systemic circulation. In the present work, we (i) present a systematic ...
Teatro anatômico digital: práticas de representação do corpo na ciênciaThe digital anatomical theater: scientific practices for representing the body
(Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2011)
Development of a rabbit's urethral sphincter deficiency animal model for anatomical-functional evaluation
Objective: The aim of the study was to develop a new durable animal model (using rabbits) for anatomical-functional evaluation of urethral sphincter deficiency. Materials and Methods: A total of 40 new Zealand male rabbits, ...
Canine Skull Digitization and Three-Dimensional Printing as an Educational Tool for Anatomical Study
(Univ Toronto Press Inc, 2021-12-01)
This article aims to standardize 3D scanning and printing of dog skulls for educational use and evaluate the effectiveness of these anatomical printed models for a veterinary anatomy course. Skulls were selected for scanning ...
Canine Skull Digitalization and Three-Dimensional Printing as an Educational Tool for Anatomical Study
(Univ Toronto Press Inc, 2021-12-01)
This article aims to standardize 3D scanning and printing of dog skulls for educational use and evaluate the effectiveness of these anatomical printed models for a veterinary anatomy course. Skulls were selected for scanning ...
Experiencia en la Creación de una Plataforma Online para Alojar Modelos Tridimensionales de Piezas Anatómicas Reales para ser Compartidas como Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA)
(Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, 2019)
For a long time, the teaching of human anatomy, apart from dissections and observations of cadaveric samples, has been based on texts and later complemented with softwares with two-dimensional (2D) images or models that ...