Now showing items 41-50 of 939
Mucanha - Vuzi Coal Development Program
Destoning the moatize coal seam, Mozambique, by Dry Jigging
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2020)
Plano de manutenção preventiva em uma planta de beneficiamento de carvão mineral
(Universidade Federal do PampaUNIPAMPABrasilCampus Bagé, 2021)
Utilización de un residuo mineral industrial como catalizador en la hidroconversión de dibenciléter y de un carbón subbituminoso colombianoThe use of an industrial mineral waste as catalyst in the hydroconversion of dibenzylether and a colombian subbituminous coal
(Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM)Química de Recursos Energéticos y Medio AmbienteMedellín, Colombia, 2023)
Brazilian coal tailings projects: advanced study of sustainable using FIB-SEM and HR-TEM
(MDPI AGSwitzerland, 2023)
Full-scale anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor for sulfate-rich wastewater treatment
This paper describes the performance and biofilm characteristics of a full-scale anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR; 20 m(3)) containing biomass immobilized on an inert support (mineral coal) for the treatment ...
Anaerobic treatment of sulfate-rich wastewater in an anaerobic sequential batch reactor (AnSBR) using butanol as the carbon source
Biological sulfate reduction was studied in a laboratory-scale anaerobic sequential batch reactor (14 L) containing mineral coal for biomass attachment. The reactor was fed industrial wastewater with increasingly high ...
A new device to select carriers for biomass immobilization and application in an aerobic/anaerobic fixed-bed sequencing batch biofilm reactor for nitrogen removal
This study proposes a new approach to selecting a biofilm carrier for immobilization using dissolved oxygen (DO) microsensors to measure the thickness of aerobic and anaerobic layers in biofilm. The biofilm carriers tested ...