Now showing items 21-30 of 2984
Membrane-damaging and cytotoxic sphingomyelinases and phospholipases
This chapter presents an overview of the classification, structure, and main physiopathological activities of bacterial sphingomyelinases and phospholipases, providing examples of their roles as virulence factors in several ...
Membrane-damaging and cytotoxic sphingomyelinases and phospholipases
This chapter presents an overview of the classification, structure, and main physiopathological activities of bacterial sphingomyelinases and phospholipases, providing examples of their roles as virulence factors in several ...
Effect of acclimation medium on cell viability, membrane integrity and ability to consume malic acid in synthetic wine by oenological Lactobacillus plantarum strains
(Wiley, 2013-11)
Aims: The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of acclimation on the viability, membrane integrity and the ability to consume malic acid of three oenological strains of Lactobacillus plantarum. Methods and Results: ...
Integrity of the plasma membrane, the acrosomal membrane, and the mitochondrial membrane potential of sperm in Nelore bulls from puberty to sexual maturity
This study evaluated the plasma membrane integrity, acrosomal membrane integrity, and mitochondrial membrane potential of Nelore bull sperm from early puberty to early sexual maturity and their associations with sperm ...
Alterations of the Coxiella burnetii replicative vacuole membrane integrity and interplay with the autophagy pathway
(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2017-04)
Coxiella burnetii, the etiologic agent of Q fever, is a Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacterium. It has been previously described that both the endocytic and autophagic pathways contribute to the Coxiella replicative ...
Ultrastructural characterization of damage in the basement membrane of facial melasma
The pathogenesis of melasma is not fully understood, and the role of skin basement membrane zone (BMZ) alterations in disease development and the maintenance of hypermelanogenesis are also poorly known. We performed a ...
Effect of manganese supplementation on the membrane integrity and the mitochondrial potential of the sperm of grazing Nelore bulls
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-11-10)
The effect of dietary manganese (Mn2+) supplementation on the reproductive performance of Nelore bulls was evaluated by assessment of sperm membrane integrity. Sixty Nelore bulls (Bos taurus indicus) aged 18-20 mo were ...
Protective effect of safranine on the mitochondrial damage induced by Fe(II)citrate: Comparative study with trifluoperazine
(Medecine Et HygieneGeneva 4Suíça, 1996)
The bactericidal effect of human secreted group IID phospholipase A(2) results from both hydrolytic and non-hydrolytic activities
The Human Secreted Group IID Phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA2GIID) may be involved in the human acute immune response. Here we have demonstrated that the hsPLA2GIID presents bactericidal and Ca2+-independent liposome membrane-damaging ...