Now showing items 11-20 of 10268
Tsallis scaling in the long-range Ising chain with competitive interactions
(Sociedade Brasileira de F??sica, 2009-08)
Investigating long range dependence in temperatures in Siberia
In this paper we examine monthly mean temperatures in 40 selected stations in Siberia for the time period January 1937–December 2020 using long range dependence techniques. In particular, we use a fractionally integrated ...
Analysis of LRD Series with Time-Varying Hurst Parameter
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 13 No.3, 2010-02-18)
Abstract. It has been previously shown that actual network traffic exhibits long-range dependence. The Hurst parameter captures the degree of long-range dependence; however, because of the nature of computer network traffic, ...
On the non-Boltzmannian nature of quasi-stationary states in long-range interacting systems
We discuss the non-Boltzmannian nature of quasi-stationary states in the Hamiltonian mean field (HMF) model, a paradigmatic model for long-range interacting classical many-body systems. We present a theorem excluding the ...
Monitoreo de concentración de monóxido de carbono usando tecnología Long-Range
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2017)
(Elsevier Sequoia S. A., 1982-06-16)
Long-range economic proyections
(Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2011)