Now showing items 1-10 of 190
Wheat flour, pan bread, and steamed bread qualities of common wheat near-isogenic lines differing in puroindoline b alleles
(Institute of Crop Sciences, 2013)
Breeding and genetic estimation of spring bread wheat populations of the Siberian shuttle breeding nursery of CIMMYT
(Institute of Cytology and Genetics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013)
Morphological investigations of the surface epithelium of ductuli efferentes of black isogenic mice (Mus musculus)
(Blackwell Wissenschafts Verlag Gmbh, 1998-08-01)
Morphological investigations of the epithelial cell types that line the ductuli efferentes (DE) of black isogenic mice confirm absorption of the luminal fluid phase by endocytosis as the main function of ductuli efferentes ...
Morphological investigations of the surface epithelium of ductuli efferentes of black isogenic mice (Mus musculus)
(Blackwell Wissenschafts Verlag Gmbh, 1998-08-01)
Morphological investigations of the epithelial cell types that line the ductuli efferentes (DE) of black isogenic mice confirm absorption of the luminal fluid phase by endocytosis as the main function of ductuli efferentes ...
Agronomic performance of sorghum seed production lines.Comportamiento agronómico de líneas para la producción de semilla de sorgo
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2013)
Effect of genetic background on the stability of sunflower fatty acid composition in different high oleic mutations
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018-08)
The effect of genetic background on the stability of fatty acid composition in sunflower near isogenic lines (NILs) carrying high-oleic Pervenets (P) or high-oleic NM1 mutations was studied. The materials were field-tested ...