Now showing items 31-40 of 66558
Memoria Caché y memoria principal
You need to know the constitution of the cache and how you interact with the main memory, to know the modes of transfer between them. This paper presents a brief description of how to operate the cache.
Elementos de diseño de memoria caché
The use of the cache in a computer system increases the overall performance of it, so it is necessary to know the strategies for the design and implementation of this type of memory.
Jerarquía de Memoria
In a computer system is required to rank the memory spaces for better management of the operating system, for that reason this paper has designed a material is disclosed where the disinter available memory space in a system.
Gestión de Memoria
One of the main tasks of the processor and the OS on a computer system is memory management, which is very necessary to maintain large-scale overall system performance
Descripción de la ventana principal
The objective is that students use the office software for their scholar activities, of investigation and daily life with the use of word processor.
Linux ya se había establecido como una plataforma de servidor de la empresa en 2004. Pero el software libre no era aún parte de la vida cotidiana para la mayoría de usuarios. Es por eso que Mark Shuttleworth reunió a un ...
Software Libre
Es una cuestión de la libertad de los usuarios de ejecutar, copiar, distribuir, estudiar, cambiar y mejorar el software. Más precisamente, significa que los usuarios de programas tienen las cuatro libertades esenciales
El Software es la parte lógica que dota al equipo físico de capacidad para realizar cualquier tipo de trabajo.
El proceso de software y métricas del proyecto.
This work is focused on unit 2 project management matter where we can locate and indicators action items as much as to the software project.
Introducción de Conceptos Generales de Internet
This paper presents the introductory concepts of systems development for the Internet.