Now showing items 1-10 of 55771
Tipos de datos y Expresiones
Data types and expressions allow us to manipulations of information, in programming languages from different types of expressions.
Modelado de Sistemas Discretos
The following document talks about using Finite Automata and modeling of discrete systems which explain the operation of abstract machines. And down the main errors that can be committed to trying to accomplish.
Máquinas de Estados Finitos
The following document talks about using Finite Automata and the operation of their abstract machines. Just as the use of symbols and computational terms.
Instalación de JDK de Java en Ambiente Linux- Ubuntu
This content illustrates the installation of Java Development Kit (JDK) in Linux-Ubuntu environment. It is important for students of Computer Systems, with specific skills for managing open development platforms, in addition ...
Information Design, Information Science, and Knowledge Organization: a domain analysis from the perspective of complexity
(Univ Zaragoza, 2018-01-01)
This paper aims to discuss the interrelations and inter-disciplinarity of Information Design, Information Science, and Knowledge Organization; the place of Information Design, as a discipline, in course syllabi and the ...
Information design, information science, and knowledge organization: A domain analysis from the perspective of complexity
This paper aims to discuss the interrelations and interdisciplinarity of Information Design, Information Science, and Knowledge Organization; the place of Information Design, as a discipline, in course syllabi and the ...
O paradigma social e o tempo do conhecimento interativo: Perspectivas e desafios para a arquitetura da informação pervasive
The possibility of providing information in information environments accessed by diversity of media and technologies requires a rethinking of Information Science as the called classical Information Architecture. The emergence ...
Instalación de JDK de Java en ambiente Windows
Detailed installation of Java Development Kit (JDK) for Windows environments as well as setting environment variables "PATH" and "CLASSPATH" indispensable for working with the Java programming language
Capacitación docente en el uso de LMS
Los docentes de la Academia Almirante Nelson han sido dotados con computadoras portátiles y proyectores en todas las aulas, sin embargo, no han logrado integrar la tecnología de manera pedagógica en sus clases y la pedagogía ...