Now showing items 41-50 of 2980
Photographic Parameters in Three-Dimensional Facial Image Acquisition. A Scoping Review
(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2024)
A numerical scheme for the curvature equation near the singularities
In this paper we propose a modification in the usual numerical method for computing the solutions of the curvature equation in the plane . This modification takes place near the singularities of the image. We propose to ...
Super resolution images from mosaics
(Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)Rio de Janeiro, 2013)
In order to extract information from images, the
resolution and its application must be observed. This resolution
depends basically on the physical characteristics of the sensor
responsible for capturing these images, ...
Identification of Lasiodiplodia Theobromae in avocado trees through image processing and machine learning
(Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2020)
3D whole-heart phase sensitive inversion recovery CMR for simultaneous black-blood late gadolinium enhancement and bright-blood coronary CMR angiography
Phase sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) applied to late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging is widely used in clinical practice. However, conventional ...
Techniques for tracking: Image Registration
(The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2018)
The process of finding a suitable deformation, s, in order to align two or more images is a process known as image registration, image fusion, matching, or warping. Image registration is the keystone in a myriad of image ...
Non-rigid motion-corrected free-breathing 3D myocardial Dixon LGE imaging in a clinical setting
(SPRINGER, 2022)
Objectives To investigate the efficacy of an in-line non-rigid motion-compensated reconstruction (NRC) in an image-navigated high-resolution three-dimensional late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) sequence with Dixon water-fat ...
Tree stem reconstruction using vertical fisheye images: A preliminary study
A preliminary study was conducted to assess a tree stem reconstruction technique with panoramic images taken with fisheye lenses. The concept is similar to the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique, but the acquisition and ...
Stereo Time-of-Flight with Constructive Interference
(IEEE, 2014)
This paper describes a novel method to acquire depth images using a pair of ToF (Time-of-Flight) cameras. As opposed to
approaches that filter, calibrate or do 3D reconstructions posterior to the image acquisition, we ...