Now showing items 21-30 of 9226
Special groups are an axiomatization of the algebraic theory of quadratic forms over fields. It is known that any finite reduced special group is the special group of some field. We show that any special group that is the ...
Representação política, representação de grupos e política de cotas: perspectivas e contendas feministasPolitical representation, group representation and quotas policy: feminist views and debates
(Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas e Centro de Comunicação e Expressão da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2012)
Este artigo foca no debate sobre representação política, representação especial de grupos e política de cotas com o objetivo de destacar os seus argumentos principais e mais controversos, explorando suas inconsistências, ...
Introduction to Brauer theory for profinite groups
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilICX - DEPARTAMENTO DE MATEMÁTICAUFMG, 2016)
Uma breve introdução à Teoria de Brauer, enfatizando aspectos funcionais que permitem uma extensão natural para grupos profinitos. Baseado no trabalho conjunto com Peter Symonds.
Local unitary representations of the braid group and their applications to quantum computing
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá - Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento de Matemáticas - Sociedad Colombiana de Matemáticas, 2016-07-01)
We provide an elementary introduction to topological quantum computation based on the Jones representation of the braid group. We first cover the Burau representation and Alexander polynomial. Then we discuss the Jones ...
The Brauer-Picard group of the representation category of finite supergroup algebras
We develop further the techniques presented in a previous article (M. Mombelli. Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hamb. 82 (2012), 173–192), to study bimodule categories over the representation categories of arbitrary finite-dimensional ...
Quaternionic Lorentz group and Dirac equation
(Kluwer Academic/plenum PublNew YorkEUA, 2001)
Cyclic representations of the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra, complex Virasoro representations and stochastic processes
(Institute of Physics - IOPBristol, 2014-05)
An N (L L/2)-dimensional representation of the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra TLL(x) is presented. It is also a representation of the cyclic group ZN. We choose x = 1 and define a Hamiltonian as a sum of the generators ...
Strongly continuous representations in the hilbert space: a far-reaching concept
We revisit the fundamental notion of continuity in representation theory, with special attention to the study of quantum physics. After studying the main theorem in the context of representation theory, we draw attention ...