Now showing items 11-20 of 126
Problems with the application of cladistics to forest fragmentation studies
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2007-12)
Recently, Pellens et al. (2005) applied standard parsimony methods to the analysis of species communities in forest fragments. Their proposal consists of assembling a data matrix of species presence/absence for each fragment ...
Landscape responses to a century of land use along the northern Patagonian forest-steppe transition
(Springer, 2012-02)
Land use history reconstructions in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere indicate that periods of deforestation are often followed by natural afforestation, so that the long-term outcome at the landscape level will ...
Differential forage use between large native and domestic herbivores in Southern Patagonian Nothofagus forests
(Springer, 2012-07)
Plant-animal interactions at the landscape level become particularly relevant when land use is diversified. Nothofagus forests in southern Patagonia have been used for timber and cattle grazing purposes during the last ...
Regional patterns and controls of biomass in semiarid woodlands: lessons from the Northern Argentina Dry Chaco
(Springer Heidelberg, 2013-02)
Land use change, particularly in forested ecosystems,has a direct impact on the global carbon cycle. Consequently, the regional assessment of biomass and the understanding of its current spatial controls are research ...
Effects of fire disturbance on bird communities and species of mountain Serrano forest in central Argentina
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)
In central Argentina, Serrano forest has a long history of fire disturbance; however, the impact of fire on avifauna remains unknown. We compared the avian–habitat relationships in forest patches with low, moderate, and ...
Genetic diversity and population structure in Nothofagus pumilio, a foundation species of Patagonian forests: defining priority conservation areas and management
(Springer Nature, 2020-11)
Patagonian forests are the southernmost temperate forests in the world, and Nothofagus pumilio is one of their most ecologically important tree species (i.e., a foundation species). It presents great adaptability and a ...
Classical biological control of an invasive forest pest : a world perspective of the management of Sirex noctilio using the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae)
Classical biological control is a key method for managing populations of pests in long-lived crops such as plantation forestry. The execution of biological control programmes in general, as the evaluation of potential ...
Genetic variability of Araucaria angustifolia in the Argentinean Parana Forest and implications for management and conservation
(Springer, 2018-08)
The main forces shaping genetic variability of woody species in fragmented forest are the geographical distribution and demographic history of populations. We conducted molecular analyses to evaluate how these factors have ...
Phylogeography of an Atlantic forest passerine reveals demographic stability through the last glacial maximum
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2012-12)
In this study we analyzed the phylogeographic pattern and historical demography of an endemic Atlantic forest (AF) bird, Basileuterus leucoblepharus, and test the influence of the last glacial maximum (LGM) on its population ...
Nurturing resilient forest biodiversity: nest webs as complex adaptive systems
(Resilience Alliance, 2020-06)
Forests are complex adaptive systems in which properties at higher levels emerge from localized networks of many entities interacting at lower levels, allowing the development of multiple ecological pathways and processes. ...