Now showing items 21-30 of 3263
Exploring the link between experiential learning and happiness in the classroom: empirical evidence in Chile, Mexico and Spain
In the last decade the adoption of virtual learning environments in institutions of Higher Education have undergone a great growth worldwide. As a consequence of this progress of virtual environments at universities, there ...
How does Experiential Learning engage the third-grade students at Los Andes School to learn EFL vocabulary in the farm?
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Licenciatura en Lengua Extranjera - InglésFacultad de Educación, 2017)
This paper is aimed to present the argumentative essay of the a pedagogical practice using Experiential learning to engage the third-grade students at Los Andes School to learn EFL vocabulary in the farm. I choose to develop ...
Affections in learning situations: a study of an entrepreneurship skills development course
Purpose – This paper aims to present the results of a study whose general objective is to characterize the affective states experienced in response to different teaching activities used in a workshop for developing ...
El abordaje de la educación experiencial
(Universidad de la SabanaPsicologíaFacultad de Psicología, 2012-10-10)
El objetivo de este trabajo monográfico es describir los factores que participan en la formación de aprendizaje desde el abordaje de la educación experiencial. Recopilando documentación sobre la educación experiencial, se ...
English language teacher educators’ experiential knowledge in classroom practices
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras, 2019)
A química do perfume: a experimentação no ensino de química como estratégia de auxílio na contextualização
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeira, 2012-11-24)
The scientific knowledge needs to be like a development’s product of the sociopolitical and cultural the individual, but this is a big challenge search strategies contextualization that enables the students create a ...
Social Action as a Culturally Situated Intersubjective Project