Now showing items 21-30 of 2330
Ondas de calor e de frio na cidade de Campinas de 1956 a 2018
(Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da Unicamp, 2020)
(The process of national economic restructuring and its impact on the regional system: 1976-1981, Chile). El proceso de reestructuracion economica nacional y su impacto en el sistema regional: 1976-1981.
The regional outcome of the current economic strategy in Chile seems to be characterized by a process of inter-regional differentiation in which the export-oriented regions (mainly mining) become the only functional ones. ...
Graph database with the entire water drainage network of the Brazilian hidrography
(Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da Unicamp, 2015)
Natural history of chagasic cardiopathy in Chile. Follow-up of 71 cases after 4 years
As part of study of Chagasic cardiopathy in Chile we report a follow-up study of 100 cardiopathic patients from two endemic areas who had been diagnosed 4 years earlier during an epidemiological and clinical survey. The ...
Integrating ecology and environmental ethics: earth stewardship in the southern end of the americas