Now showing items 21-30 of 4407
Destacan beneficios de la madera laminada
([s.n.], 2018)
Madera. Tensiones admisibles para madera estructural
(INN. Instituto Nacional de Normalización, 2018)
Supplementary guidance for assessment of timber-framed houses: Part 2 interpretation
(Building Research Establishment, 2018)
Wood handbook: wood as an engineering material
(USDA Forest Service. Forest Products Laboratory, 2018)
Wood handbook: wood as an engineering material
(USDA Forest Service. Forest Products Laboratory, 2018)
Design of wood structures
(McGraw-Hill, 2018)
Design of wood structures
(McGraw-Hill, 2018)
Advanced framing techniques, troubleshooting & structural design
(Journal of Light Construction, 2018)