Now showing items 1-10 of 8083
How to reduce epidemic peaks keeping under control the time-span of the epidemic
One of the main challenges of the measures against the COVID-19 epidemic is to reduce the amplitude
of the epidemic peak without increasing without control its timescale. We investigate this problem using
the SIR model ...
Epidemic sporotrichosis
(Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2019)
A fuzzy Reed-Frost model for epidemic spreading
(SPRINGER, 2008)
In this paper, we present a fuzzy approach to the Reed-Frost model for epidemic spreading taking into account uncertainties in the diagnostic of the infection. The heterogeneities in the infected group is based on the ...
A fuzzy reed-frost model for epidemic spreading
(New York, 2008)
In this paper, we present a fuzzy approach to the Reed-Frost model for epidemic spreading taking into account uncertainties in the diagnostic of the infection. The heterogeneities in the infected group is based on the ...
Optimized Gillespie algorithms for the simulation of Markovian epidemic processes on large and heterogeneous networks
(Computer Physics Communications, 2018)
Collective versus hub activation of epidemic phases on networks
(Physical Review E., 2018)
Lessons learned from the response to the human immunodeficiency virus epidemic that can inform addressing the opioid epidemic
When people typically hear the word epidemic these days, they envision influenza,
Ebola, or now the novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) caused
by SARS-CoV-2. According to Wikipedia, an epidemic is ...
Ends of epidemics
We know a good deal about beginnings: those first signal cases of pneumonia
in Guangdong, influenza in Veracruz, and hemorrhagic fever in Guinea,
respectively marking the origins of the SARS outbreak of 2002–4, the ...
Epidemic spreading in a scale-free network of regular lattices
(Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018)