Now showing items 61-70 of 4488
Examining the influence of meteorological simulations forced by different initial and boundary conditions in volcanic ash dispersion modelling
(Elsevier, 2016)
Abstract: The performance of the combination of the Fall3D ash dispersion model with the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) meteorological model in the southern cone of South America under two initial and boundary conditions ...
An experimental study of the aerodynamic dispersion of loose aggregates in an accelerating flow
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2017-08)
The dispersion of powders in gas flows is relevant in some powder processing techniques, in dry powder inhalers and in particle size analysers, among others. When using small particle sizes, the powder tends to form stronger ...
Vicariance or long-distance dispersal: Historical biogeography of the pantropical subfamily Chrysophylloideae (Sapotaceae)
Aim Continental disjunctions in pantropical taxa have been explained by vicariance or long?distance dispersal. The relative importance of these explanations in shaping current distributions may vary, depending on historical ...
Velocity autocorrelation function of a dispersion of heavy particles in a turbulent flow: on the effect of interparticle collisions
(Revista Mexicana de Física, 2009)
Determinación de la dispersión de contaminantes atmosféricos (NOx, SOx y PM2.5) emitidos en la calera El Rey de la Parroquia Calpi
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2022-05-12)
The current graduation work was carried out in Santiago de Calpi rural parish, where "EL REY" limestone deposit is located. The aim of this work was the dispersion of (NOx, SOx and PM2.5) atmospheric pollutants, generated ...
Análisis de dispersión de guía de onda en fibras de dispersión desplazada no nula usando el método de SPPS.
(Cano Osornio Leticia, 2017-09-15)
Este trabajo de tesis detalla la aplicación del moderno método SPPS (Spectral Parameter Power Series, o Series de Potencias del Parámetro Espectral) para el análisis y solución de ecuaciones de Bessel perturbadas, las ...
In situ generation of silver microstructures by thermal decomposition of silver n-dodecanethiolate dispersed in an organic-inorganic hybrid coating
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2011-10)
Although it is known that metallic silver can be produced by the thermal decomposition of silver n-dodecanethiolate (Ag-DDT), the use of this reaction to synthesize silver-modified coatings is difficult due to the insolubility ...
Highly efficient generation of broadband cascaded four-wave mixing products
(Optical Soc AmerWashingtonEUA, 2008)
Transverse solute dispersion in microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (μPADs)
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018-05)
The transport of molecules and particles across adjacent flow streams is a key process in several operations implemented in microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (μPADs). Here, the transverse dispersion of analytes ...
Factors that characterize the dispersion of sulfur dioxide in the Historic Center of RiobambaFactores que caracterizan la dispersión del dióxido de azufre en el Centro Histórico de Riobamba
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera, Metalúrgica y Geográfica, 2017)